Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Getting Started...

Welcome to our all new FAITH CIRCLE blog. This is intended to be a way to share out thoughts, prayer requests, concerns, recipes, announcements, or whatever you wish. Email Amy for suggestions.

I enjoy the time that we spend together. You are my friends, sisters, mentors,..... I miss our time together. I know we are all so busy but we can try. Warmer weather is on the way and the days will begin to get longer. We need to plan some meeting dates so it will be easier to meet.

Please bookmark our blog and check it often.


Active Members said...

Click on COMMENTS to share then click POST COMMENT. Blog away.....

Anonymous said...

Who has read the blog?

Unknown said...

Good idea Amy! Thanks. I usually miss the meetings but I can stay in touch this way.

Dr Joanie Edwards said...

This is a great way to keep in touch. I miss meetings because I am trying to serve the Lord through my voice and song. We are practicing for the Easter Cantata to be held on Palm Sunday. I hope it all comes together soon. Still I love Faith Circle.

Dr Joanie Edwards said...

Pat Fesmire and I have tossed around trying to contact "whomever is in charge" to get permission to put together and offer the opportunity to produce a Church wide yearbook. Jackson First UMC does one every year, and Richard and I really enjoy looking through it to see who is still "breathing", and who is newly married, or has had a baby in the past year, etc. I did this a long time ago when I attended the CP Church and was totally in charge. It was a lot of work and I was lucky to be able to recruit some great help, but I would be willing to do it again and Pat said she would help me. Olan Mills took the pics and I am pretty sure they still have church "DEALS" on free photos with no obligation to purchase anything. In the back of the Jackson First UMC yearbook, there is a section for pics of current inactive members, and a place for a memorial page to those who want their loved ones remembered. What do you all think? I remembered that you could have your pic made, not buy any, get a free 8 x 10, and be under no obligation to purchase a yearbook. If I get the go-ahead to do this, I will look into it with careful eyes and ears and find the best bargain. I need some input......

Pat said...

I didn't know about this, I am not in the faith circle, but this is great. A great idea.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a plan!